Saturday, January 5, 2008

More on "Free Stuff" from Craig's List

I have a new hobby. Well, perhaps it's more accurately an addition to a habit I've always had: people-watching. No matter where I am or what I'm doing or where I'm going, I people watch. I wonder where that lady with the giant grin just came from. I wonder if that guy knows I can see him picking his nose. I look at clothes...what does that teenager really mean by all the skulls and crossbones and hearts on her sweatshirt? And that guy's suit...has no one shared with him that the 80s are over? I wonder, too, what people think of me. Do my clothes represent my personality? Do I have a scowl on, or do I look like a pleasant person? How do I speak to my companions? Am I a loud cellphone talker? Am I nice to people, or do I just annoy them? Do people watch me? I can only assume that they do, since I watch them.

But back to the addition to my observational prowess. "Free Stuff" on Craig's list. It's one of my new favorite I'm-bored-and-need-to-kill-5-minutes activities. I just LOVE the way people present what they're selling. And the stuff they're giving away! Some of it is legitimately crap. I can't understand who would have a use for it, or how someone would think that another person could have a use for it. But other's their explanations that I'm just enamored with. It's people-watching on a whole new level! I imagine what they look like, where they live, how they live. I get this little insight into their lives by what they had, why they're getting rid of it, and that they think it could be useful to another person! I love it!

Here are a few of the more entertaining postings:

Free stroller
"Given to me by a co-worker, but I have no children therefore no use for it."
~HAHAHAHAHA--that was a confused co-worker!

40-year-old pepper tree
"Roots about to crack the water main beneath it...will help pay for its removal and re-planting!"
~Someone really hearts their pepper tree.

Gas lawnmower
"Works when it wants to."
~This person gets right to the point! Short and sweet!

Free box of unused condoms.
"Left over from a relationship gone bad. This isn't a scam, I just don't need the constant reminder and they're still good...hate to throw them away when someone else could use them."
~Yikes! I debated putting this one in here...but again, with the insights into people's lives and their sorrows and's an irresistible force to me.

Two free cribs
"Our twins have outgrown their cribs and they're ready to go to a new home (the cribs, not the twins! Heh heh!)."
~A mom with a sense of humor! Glad those kids are growing up in that house!

Free baubles and trinkets and shiny things
"I have a bunch of trims and rhinestone embellishments including a diamond snake trinket. If you're interested let me know, and I will give you clues to the treasure."
~Clever and having fun with it...just great!

Huge Piece of glass
8 feet by 4 feet and 3/4 inch thick. Will require many strong men to move it. 3-4 at least.
~This one just baffles me...what could this giant piece of glass have been used for? I don't even know...

Alright, I'm done for now. Enjoy!

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