Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Favorite moments...

This is a bit delayed, and shouldn't seem trumped by my transit difficulties to get to the softball weekend, but I forgot to mention the orphanage visit we had. The kids always put on a really cute concert, during which they recruit us to help out in relays and whatnot. Last spring I was in a tug-of-war contest with teeny tiny little girls who ended up pulling us over! (There were boys hidden behind who pulled like crazy...I think even some of the little girls fell!) This year I ran around a tree or two holding a stick and a hand.

It was after the concert, when we were playing soccer, that I had my favorite moment. I was talking to some of the girls who were probably 13-15. Just small talk, nothing particular, but it was really nice to chat with them. After the second part of the concert came the HUGS! I got so many orphan hugs...it buoyed my spirits in the midst of the sadness that sometimes comes seeing kids in such situations. They've had a rough start, but they're going to be ok because they have hearts beyond their circumstances.

And today: I walked into my house to discover my room DESTROYED by dust and tarps. My landlady's remodeling took them to my room to replace windows today, but without warning me first. My computer, new camera, ipod, recently washed and drying clothes were out and are now covered in dust. ARG! But I held it together (surprising for those of you who know me well), found a bucket of water and a rag and started wiping things off. Who knew I could handle this stuff with grace??? And "Check" for another favorite moment...my personal growth!

An addition to my renovations is a washing machine! A legit, modern washing machine. My favorite moment was my landlady asking me to help her translate the manual which is printed in German, Italian, Romanian, Slovakian, and just about every other language than Russian. We had quite a nice little moment sitting together and looking it over.

Blessings to you as your favorite moments come and stay in your hearts.

What I came home to!

See that clean square? That's where my brand-new camera was. And the round spot was my Nalgene's spot. Can we say ew???

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