Thursday, December 17, 2009

Ukrainian docs (and teachers!) making housecalls

I recently found myself quite ill with a painful, hacking cough, major headache and body aches. This happened on a Sunday, rendering me quite unfit for teaching Monday. Well, the news got out to a few teachers, and then a few more teachers, and before I knew it, my friend and French-teacher/neighbor was at my door at 10 pm with a doctor! He did a quick exam, which meant taking my temperature (under my armpit…pretty sure that hasn’t happened since I was five), listening to my breathing, and looking in my throat. And the all-important: “no work!”

The next day, my French teacher friend returned with milk, bread, lemons and the sprays the doc recommended. My other friend and English teacher also stopped by with a beet salad, tons of apples and pickles, a lemon and clove of garlic “to be healthy!”

I am someone who is not good at being alone and sick. When I’m sick, I love the “poor baby” coddling. It was really hard Sunday night and all day Monday, feeling so helpless and un-coddled. I would have given anything for a mom’s overbearing care or my roomie’s ministrations. I missed my family and friends so dearly. And then, to my amazement and absolute delight was the blessing of my family here. I feel truly grateful to these women who have taken it on themselves to be my people in all circumstances, and because they want to. My service would be very different without them.

Well, I’ve been in bed ever since. It’s been nice; watching the crazy amounts of snow falling softly to the ground, letting batchka out to romp in it, and watching my other best friends, Pam and Jim, and their sweetly hilarious romance. Yes, recuperation is treating me well.

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